The Bait Of Satan Study Guide Download0

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Each of the six chapters contains penetrating content and activities that correspond with the six-week study on The Bait of Satan. It’s time to regain your joy, peace, and passion for life. This guide accompanies the 6-session The Bait of Satan Study. Read 'The Bait of Satan, 20th Anniversary Edition Living Free from the. God's Greatest Gifts - His Word, His Name, His Blood ebook by Joyce Meyer. ISBN: 839; Language: English; Download options: EPUB 2 (Adobe DRM).

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Preview — The Bait Of Satan by John Bevere

Escape the enemy's deadly trap! The Bait of Satan exposes one of the most deceptive snares Satan uses to get believers out of the will of God--offense. Most people who are ensnared by the bait of Satan don't even realize it. Don't be fooled! You will encounter offense, and it's up to you how it will affect your relationship with God. Your response will determine your futu...more
Paperback, 10th Anniversary Edition (Devotional Supplement Included), 255 pages
Published May 24th 2004 by Charisma House (first published 1994)
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Popular Answered Questions
FredWell, if you've read my review I actually recommend that people DON'T read this book - it's badly flawed and very dangerous.
However, if you're really…more
Well, if you've read my review I actually recommend that people DON'T read this book - it's badly flawed and very dangerous.
However, if you're really intent on exposing yourself to Mr. Bevere's false teaching, I suppose that you could contact him directly and explain your situation to him. Here's his website:
I'm offering this solution because I always recommend that people get both sides of the story and investigate things for them self rather than just taking my word - or anyone else's word - for it on any given subject.(less)
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Dec 26, 2016Bait of satan free downloadKells Next Read rated it it was amazing
Shelves: audio-book, christianity, spiritual, faith
This is yet another must read for all christians. I will have this as a yearly re read to keep the examples reveal at the forefront of my mind as I continue my walk with Christ.
Re-Read on February 9th 2017:
This is one of those books that you need to keep close and re read ever so often as a reminder of how the enemy causes us to get offended and also allows others to be offended. It shows you how to detect it and how to deal with it. Such an enlightening read.
This is a book that everyone should read... Seriously! It is about what happens when we take Offense and how Satan will use that against us in our own lives. It sounds intense but if you want some relief in your life and growth, this is a MUST READ! It's teaching me sooooo much and praise God for that!
Apr 04, 2012Tim Bariteau rated it really liked it
Deception is so...unfair!
A deceived person, by the very nature of deception, has no possible way of knowing they are being deceived. That is, unless someone shines a light onto the issue, revealing the truth to them and exposing the lies for what they truly are...lies and deception. I was given such a revelation this past week, when I read 'THE BAIT OF SATAN: Living Free from the Deadly Trap of Offense” by John Bevere.
If you had asked me two weeks ago if I was offended by anybody, or if I was h
Dec 01, 2018Dean rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
For me this is one of the most important books I have to dato just read!!!
If of course you belong to the kind of people which never takes offense whatsever or the classic guy whos loved and appreciated by anyone....
Well, then this is no book for you, No Sir!!
But, please let me know on which planet you are living, because let me tell you, here in this old and mean earth sadly to say exists other rules and regulations.. fair play is a foreign word here!!
And what the heck.. I haven't made the rules
Jan 02, 2009Traci Alverson rated it really liked it
Offense leads to sin, which leads to separation from God and others. We are so easily offended, but this book opened my eyes to the ways in which to overcome offense.
In war the enemy gets the upperhand by cutting off communication amongst the soliders. Without communication, one is often alone without any idea of what should be done next. Offense is the tactic Satan uses to cut communication and create separation. At that point, he can attack and destroy quickly, swiftly and without interference. This book gives tons of examples and situations backed by the Word to help us understand, recognize and reject the bait of satan.

The Bait Of Satan Reviews

Every person on God's plant is subject to being offended. Read how God expects us to handle it versus the enemy's expectation. Everyone should read this book but especially every church member or those who have been hurt by 'the church'. Absolutely the best book I have ever read!
Bible Teacher Don Basham used to say that prophetic utterances were often like water from a muddy hose: First, you get a bunch of mud and yuck before pure water starts flowing. This is an apt description of this book if there was one. Unfortunately, it's just the opposite, in this case, the more it flows the more mud and yuck you get. 'The Bait of Satan' is also an apt title because that's exactly what this book is: A little bit of truth buried underneath a mountain of error. There is great dang...more
This book should be REQUIRED READING for everyone.

This was recommended to me by a friend from church, and is the book the church uses for a course on spiritual cleansing- I would actually like to study this with others to see if I would gain any more insight. Bevere's theme is on offense, and how taking offense and harboring unforgiveness are poisonous to us. Exercising forgiveness is like exercising any muscle: you have to use it all the time. The outline of the book was a little vague, so while there was a lot of valuable info and scripture
Sep 06, 2014Andreea rated it it was amazing
Titlul cărții se explică singur: o carte despre cum să scapi de capcana ofenesei, cu alte cuvinte cum să ierți, să cauți împăcarea, folosul celui de lângă tine, chiar dacă dreptatea e de partea ta. O abordare absurdă ai spune, dacă nu ar fi clar că aşa e şi dragostea lui Dumnezeu pentru om; absurdă, iertătoare, care caută împăcarea prin Hristos și care se uita după folosul tău, în pofida faptului că doar după dreptate altfel ar fi stat lucrurile. E vorba de dragoste.
Sep 14, 2011Julia rated it liked it
For me personally, this book held a great message. I read it in a group and also passed the book on to some friends, and I noticed that some people took issue with how he worded things, but for me the message that he had really spoke through whatever odd trappings might have surrounded it. At the heart of this book is a Biblical message which every Christian should hear and take to heart: we don't have the right to hold bitterness in our hearts, no matter how legitimately we've been wronged.
WOW! This is for anyone who has been hurt by anyone, or who has hurt anyone. It is not a sappy, feel-good book. It will rock your faith to the core. I didn't read at first because of the title, but offence, then the fruit of that, unforgiveness, keeps so many from a fruitful life, and even from Heaven. I wish so many in the church would read this who have been hurt by pastors and other Christians.
Jan 26, 2015Honeybee rated it really liked it · review of another edition
Over the years, I have had many Christians recommend this book to me, but had not ever gotten around to it. Our church offered a study over it, too, but again the timing wasn't right. This year, however, just when I was dealing with some of the pain from my past and some very deep wounds from those closest to me, I 'just happened' to find a copy (the last one they had) at a used Christian bookstore. Now the time was right, and I read it on my return trip from an unhappy visit with family over th...more
Feb 02, 2018Chan'tel Grayson rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Life Changing!!! I'm off the hook!!
I cannot think of a single soul that would not be blessed by this book. I want to buy it for so many people, but instead I pray for God to orchestrate thay purchase according to when those are ready.
This book has led me to true freedom in Christ Jesus. I've been reconciled with so many and cancelled so many debts of those in the past...some of which really had no chance without forgiveness. I was blind to the enemy tactics and how he was stealing from me by get
Mar 01, 2015Steven Bullmer rated it really liked it · review of another edition
I'm not as apocalyptic in my thinking as John Bevere is. I don't think the world's current woes are signs that Jesus is coming back soon; I think the woes are the way it always is; it just feels more intense now because we're living through it rather than reading about it in the history books.
I am also not as dualistic as Bevere--I don't think there is a spiritual war going on between God and Satan and the outcome of the battle still hangs in the balance. I think that battle was fought 2,000 yea
Dec 14, 2017Ben rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here.
Dec 30, 2015Seth Pierce rated it really liked it · review of another edition
The bait of satan study guide download0 pdf
This book was recommended to me by several people I respect, given to me by some wonderful people because they knew I wanted to read it, and it has much good to say on the subject of offense--something that is seldom spoken of from the pulpit. This book's message is particularly important for the social media culture we have that thrives on being offended.
I almost gave the book 3 stars simply because the author strays into 'Pentecostalisms' that may be confusing for those outside that tradition.
Oct 11, 2014Alana marked it as did-not-finish · review of another edition
Shelves: bible-study, christian-living, self-help
My husband and I were reading this with a small group at church and did most of the accompanying video sessions, and while many of the things he has to say really spoke to me and made me think, I found his tone in both the book and the video sessions to be so aggravatingly self-righteous and arrogant that I found it hard to get to the message through the man ('This will be one of the most important books you've ever read' and statements of the like). I'm glad I listened to the sessions, because...more
Nov 20, 2016Christy rated it it was ok · review of another edition
I read this with my life group. I wouldn't have picked it up on my own, and I was prepared to hate it, but it ended up working well for our group. The book itself is not so dramatic as the title would imply. Bevere focuses on getting offended, unforgiveness, and resisting the desire for revenge, and I felt like he made some very good points on those issues. I doubt I would recommend it as widely as I would other Christian books I have read unless I thought it would work for a specific situation...more
Did this in a Bible study fashion. I find the book to be redundant. I find the author to be a little too sensational in his charismatic theology/style. He did use to be one of Benny Hinn's main guys... The point of the book is excellent, however, I would have preferred to read what Timothy Keller, J.C. Ryle, John Piper, Spurgeon and the like have to say about the topic. I was a little offended by the book. Oh, the irony.
May 03, 2014Jeril rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Awesome book about Forgiveness towards God, people, friends and finally yourself.
I got deceived by the title of this book but once I started reading I couldn't stop.
Forgiveness is such a simple thing but we humans sometime make it so complex that we aren't able to forgive ourselves, someone who has hurt us etc.
And we carry on the grudge on our own shoulders.
It's better to forgive and accept God's grace in the life.
I recommend this book to everyone. John addresses the core of a problem in the believers life that can do so much harm. He exposes the enemy and opens the prison doors. Read this one and buy two so you will have one to give away and one to make reference to.
An excellent read. I always thought this book wouldn't be for me, as I'm not the type to hold grudges against people, but I found that there were little nooks where the devil had popped in some offense, and I was only not responding because I had blocked myself off to such offenses. An eye-opening read - definitely for everyone, even if you feel that you forgive easily.
Dec 02, 2014Klaristy Maher rated it it was amazing
ثاني قراءة وبرضو بتعلم منه :)
اول قراءة في ديسمبر ٢٠١٤
فيه كتب تقراها تخليك تستمتع بيها ذهنيا قوووي .. وفيه كتب تقراها وتلاقي نفسك بتطبفقها ف حياتك وحياة اللي حواليك ويفرق معاك جداااا :) ... الكتاب ده عبارة عن النوعين في بعض .. استمتعت انا وبقراه جداااا وفرق في حياتي لما طبقته قووووي :) :)
كتااااب لا يُنسي
I certainly developed a new approach to taking offense after reading this book. I made sure that I DID NOT (take offense) that is. It is not an easy road to travel but if we are to be like Christ then we must follow His way. Freedom is a wonderful thing.
I think we need this book in these polarizing times
Mar 14, 2017James Chessor rated it really liked it
This was a reread for me. I read this book several years ago and it impacted me then. This ministered to me on a greater level this time around.
Bible study for a year. Learn to forgive quick and forget each trespass. Jesus told them the truth but did not keep anyone in his heart.

Bait Of Satan Study Questions

Aug 03, 2017Bob Mimiaga rated it really liked it · review of another edition
This book was my first of John Bevere's works. Bevere did a very thorough job of explaining Satan's trap of 'offense' and how it can slowly corrupt our relationship with God and those who have hurt us. Especially when we are in the 'right' Satan can use this feeling of ours to build upon a seed of hurtfulness, bitterness and anger in our lives.
Bevere provides a multitude of helpful insights that causes the reader to examine himself for any hidden offenses that he may be harboring. Even hurts th
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Goodreads Librari...:Please Combine Editions 2 9Jul 31, 2018 02:39AM
Offense without Apology Chapter 9 1 35Mar 18, 2010 09:34AM

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The Bait Of Satan Study Guide Download

Marked by boldness and passion, John Bevere delivers uncompromising truth through his award-winning curriculums and bestselling books, now in more than 60 languages, including 'The Bait of Satan,' 'Drawing Near' and 'Driven by Eternity.' He is an international speaker and co-host of 'The Messenger' TV program broadcast worldwide.
John enjoys living in Colorado Springs with his wife, Lisa, also a b
“Offended people still may experience miracles, words of utterance, strong preaching, and healing in their lives. But these are gifts of the Spirit, not fruits. We will be judged according to fruit, not gifting. A gift is given. Fruit is cultivated.” — 25 likes
“Trials in this life will expose what is in your heart—whether the offense is toward God or others. Tests either make you bitter toward God and your peers or stronger. If you pass the test, your roots will shoot down deeper, stabilizing you and your future. If you fail, you become offended, which can lead to defilement with bitterness.” — 18 likes

Bait Of Satan Study Guide

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